The primary functions and responsibilities of an Internal Complaints Cell (ICC), also known as an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) or Internal Grievance Redressal Cell. The ICC receives complaints related to harassment, discrimination, or misconduct from employees, students, or any stakeholders of the institution. Conducting a fair and impartial investigation into the complaints received, ensuring confidentiality and sensitivity towards all parties involved. Taking appropriate actions to resolve the complaints, which may include mediation, counselling, disciplinary actions against the perpetrator, or any other measures deemed necessary.
S.NO | Name | Category | Position |
1 | Mrs.Lalitha | Assistant Professor & Head, Science and Humanities | Presiding Officier |
2 | Mr.G.Suresh | Assistant Professor & Head, Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Member |
3 | Mr.M.Selva Kumar | Assistant Professor , Mechanical Engineering | Member |
4 | Ms.V.Thiriburasundari | Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Member |
5 | Mrs.K.Ramya | Assistant Professor , Computer Science and Engineering | Member |
6 | Ms.K.Lakshmi Priya | Assistant Professor ,Physics | Member |
7 | Ms.G.Gowthami | Assistant Professor ,English | Member |
8 | Mr.D.Muthu | Boys Hostel Warden | Non Teaching faculty |
9 | Mrs.R.Pushpa | Girls Hostel Warden | Non Teaching faculty |
10 | Mr.D.Damodaran | Student | Member |
11 | Mr.V.Sanjay | Student | Member |
12 | Ms.P.Aarthi | Student | Member |
13 | Ms.A.Priya | Student | Member |