Exam Cell

Exam Cell

The Examination Cell plays a crucial role in the institution's autonomy, overseeing various responsibilities related to examinations and assessments. The Examination Cell is responsible for planning, scheduling, and conducting all examinations as per the academic calendar of the institution. It coordinates the smooth functioning of continuous assessment tests, ensuring that these assessments contribute to the overall evaluation of students' academic progress.

The Examination Cell is supported by a sufficient number of staff members from each department who assist in managing routine tasks such as exam registration, hall ticket distribution, seating arrangements, and result processing. The Examination Cell has a wide range of responsibilities aimed at ensuring the smooth and efficient conduct of examinations and maintenance of student records.

Activities of Exam Cell:

  • The Controller of Examinations oversees the entire examination process, ensuring adherence to academic regulations and standards set by the institution.
  • It ensures the integrity and fairness of the examination process, including prevention of malpractice and adherence to examination protocols.
  • It maintains comprehensive records related to examinations, including attendance, marks, and other relevant data, ensuring confidentiality and accuracy.
  • The Examination Cell coordinates with faculty members, administrative staff, and other stakeholders to ensure smooth conduct of examinations and timely resolution of any issues that may arise.
  • It ensures compliance with guidelines and regulations set by regulatory bodies and the institution's academic policies regarding examinations.
  • Keeping records of all student performance, including marks obtained in examinations and other academic assessments.
  • Facilitating communication between the Office of the Controller of Examinations and the college administration, ensuring all relevant information is relayed accurately and timely.
  • Ensuring compliance with examination regulations, policies, and guidelines set by regulatory bodies and the institution, and coordinating with relevant authorities as necessary.
S.NO Name Category Position
1 Dr.K.Mahadevan Principal Chairperson
2 Mr.G.Suresh Assistant Professor& Head, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty Representative
3 Mr.G.Gopal Assistant Professor& Head, Mechanical Engineering Faculty Representative
4 Mr.K.Periyasamy Assistant Professor& Head, Electronics and Communication Engineering Faculty Representative
5 Mr.S.Dhinesh Assistant Professor& Head, Computer Science and Engineering Faculty Representative
6 Mr.K.Maheshkuma Assistant Professor& Head, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Faculty Representative
7 Mr.A.AbulKalam Ajath Assistant Professor& Head, Bio-Medical Engineering Faculty Representative
8 Mrs.P.Lalitha Assistant Professor& Head, Science and Humanities Faculty Representative